Tuesday, August 26, 2008

VOICE/Tone/Style Analysis

If your writing prompt is asking you about tone, style, point of view, diction, etc... then your entire answer may come from a focused VOICE analysis (only the "V" of VISIBLE).

Begin by listening to the VOICE behind the literature. Who is speaking? to whom? about what? is the speaker a 1st or 3rd person? is the speaker omniscient? is the speaker reliable?

Tone = the attitude of the speaker towards topic or audience
Tone is not = mood
Tone is not = style

Tone is ESSENTIAL because it shapes meaning. If I say this poem is fantastic, but express is sarcastically, then I am actually saying it is NOT fantastic. Tone is the most important aspect of voice.

Mood = the feeling the reader gets
Style = the way the writer crafts language

Try for two different but complementary tone modifiers
Look for a split tone or a tone shift (if there is one)

Voice Indicators:
Dicton = choice of words (connotative)
Images = sensory pictures (evocative)

Detail = facts (significant)
Language = types of words (stylistic)
Syntax = arrangement of words (strategic)

The Syntax Six:
Thumb - patterns
Pointer - punctuation/phrasing
Middle - sentence length
Ring - modes of sentences
Pinky - grammar
Hand - arrangement of details within the sentence

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